The van der Neuten are distributed worldwide, but the origin is in the Dutch town of Bodegraven and surroundings in the province of Zuid-Holland. From there there were van der Neuten who left for other Dutch provinces to find work in the larger cities, such as The Hague, Rotterdam, Amsterdam etc. Later during and after the crisis years they also left for Brazil, Canada, Australia, America, New Zealand, Africa and Indonesia. Of course they will also have left for other countries to try their luck. Contact Through our facebook "Familie-Groep van der Neut" we have contact with the van der Neuten worldwide. We will also post nice and informative comments on our website, such as birth, marriages. Maybe you have a nice family story, or how an emigration went and what you experienced.
Our history worldwide
Family Foundation
The Family Foundation van der Neut was founded on 29 January 2019 and is active in researching her family tree. As Family Foundation, we want to spend a lot of time figuring out data to further expand the family tree. Every year we want to hold a few meetings, where the results of the past year are shown. Of course, the family day will not be missed, on this day the family members will meet in a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. Are you or your mother, father, grandmother or grand- father a van der Neut, then become "Young or Old " donor of our Family Foundation. Then contact us and be informed. If you are interested, please send an email to or Donate now and support our family foundation. Click on the "Donor Yes" button at the top.
Copyright by WJPCL 1997- 2022
Family Foundation van der Neut
has been located in the former workshop of the Turkenburg seed trader, which was then located on Spoorstraat (Spoorstreet). In 2014, this building was completely restored with new construction added. If you come by car, there is free parking in the parking lot in front of the Evertshuis, and you can also park for free at the station. For those who come by train, walking distance to the Evertshuis is about 5 minutes. The number of people will be limited to a maximum of 40 people. If you want to be there, sign up as soon as possible and put this date in your diary. This registration can be sent to or contact us by telephone, at 06—28424020. This day will be entirely dedicated to our genealogical research. This means that no meeting will be held. Four presentations will be given, one of the four speakers is the archivist Rob Alkemade from Woerden. What else can you expect from us? 1 What is the objective of our Van der Neut Family Foundation ?, 2 Oldest Neut before 1700 from Bodegraven, 3 How to start a search , 4 Processing data in the family tree 5 Google Analytics. You can also take a look at the family tree of one of the team members of the Family Foundation. Hopefully we will see each other on May 27, 2023 at our first Family Gathering.
May 2023 family gathering
On May 27, 2023 , the time will arrive for our first Van der Neut Family Foundation meeting. It will be held in the Evertshuis in Bodegraven. This day is offered to you free of charge, including refreshments and a lunch. This location is also wheelchair accessible. Since its foundation (1989), the Evertshuis
The van der Neuten are distributed worldwide, but the origin is in the Dutch town of Bodegraven and surroundings in the province of Zuid- Holland. From there there were van der Neuten who left for other Dutch provinces to find work in the larger cities, such as The Hague, Rotterdam, Amsterdam etc. Later during and after the crisis years they also left for Brazil, Canada, Australia, America, New Zealand, Africa and Indonesia. Of course they will also have left for other countries to try their luck. Contact Through our facebook "Familie-Groep van der Neut" we have contact with the van der Neuten worldwide. We will also post nice and informative comments on our website, such as birth, marriages. Maybe you have a nice family story, or how an emigration went and what you experienced. Family Foundation .
The Family Foundation van der Neut was founded on 29 January 2019 and is active in researching her family tree. As Family Foundation, we want to spend a lot of time figuring out data to further expand the family tree. Every year we want to hold a few meetings, where the results of the past year are shown. Of course, the family day will not be missed, on this day the family members will meet in a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. Are you or your mother, father, grandmother or grandfather a van der Neut, then become "Young or Old" donor of our Family Foundation. Then contact us and be informed. If you are interested, please send an email to: or Donate now and support our family foundation. Click on the "Become a donor" button at the top right.
Copyright by WJPCL 1997- 2022
Our history worldwide
Family Foundation van der Neut
May 2023 family gathering
accessible. Since its foundation (1989), the Evertshuis has been located in the former workshop of the Turkenburg seed trader, which was then located on Spoorstraat (Spoorstreet). In 2014, this building was completely restored with new construction added. If you come by car, there is free parking in the parking lot in front of the Evertshuis, and you can also park for free at the station. For those who come by train, walking distance to the Evertshuis is about 5 minutes. The number of people will be limited to a maximum of 40 people. If you want to be there, sign up as soon as possible and put this date in your diary. This registration can be sent to secretariaat@familiestichting- or contact us by telephone, at 06—28424020. This day will be entirely dedicated to our genealogical research. This means that no meeting will be held. Four presentations will be given, one of the four speakers is the archivist Rob Alkemade from Woerden. What else can you expect from us? 1 What is the objective of our Van der Neut Family Foundation ?, 2 Oldest Neut before 1700 from Bodegraven, 3 How to start a search , 4 Processing data in the family tree 5 Google Analytics. You can also take a look at the family tree of one of the team members of the Family Foundation. Hopefully we will see each other on May 27, 2023 at our first Family Gathering .
On May 27, 2023 , the time will arrive for our first Van der Neut Family Foundation meeting. It will be held in the Evertshuis in Bodegraven. This day is offered to you free of charge, including refreshments and a lunch. This location is also wheelchair