If you want to know something or you have a supplement for the pedigree or do you have another onequestion please feel free to contact us. Contact address Family Foundation van der Neut Slijpmolen 92 2515 NE Den Haag Tel +31 (0) 70 3097321 Mob. +31 (0) 6 28424020 Email: informatie@familiestichting-vanderneut.nl Email: donateurs@familiestichting-vanderneut.nl
Contact details
Establishment Family Foundation: January 29, 2019 Statuten are available at the Chamber of Commerce.
Registration number Chamber of Commerce: 73841242 Bank: ING BIC nbr: INGBNL2A Account number : NL16INGB0009302905 To : Familiestichting van der Neut .
If you want to support our work / research and donate an amount, you can transfer it to the above bank account.
Copyright by WJPCL 1997- 2024
Family Foundation van der Neut
If you want to know something or you have a supplement for t he pedigree or do you have another onequestion please feel free to contact us. Contact address Family Foundation van der Neut Slijpmolen 92 2515 NE Den Haag Tel +31 (0) 70 3097327 Mob. +31 (0) 6 28424020 Email: informatie@familiestichting-vanderneut.nl Email: donateurs@familiestichting-vanderneut.nl
Contact details
Establishment Family Foundation: January 29, 2019 Statuten are available at the Chamber of Commerce.
Registration number Chamber of Commerce: 73841242 Bank: ING BIC nbr: INGBNL2A Account number : NL16INGB0009302905 To : Familiestichting van der Neut
If you want to support our work / research and donate an amount, you can transfer it to the above bank account.
Copyright by WJPCL 1997- 2024
Our history worldwide Family Foundation van der Neut